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Sugar cane punnet 450ml 17 x 12cm, Pack 50 - Vegware

Sugar cane punnet 450ml 17 x 12cm, Pack 50 - Vegware
Made from Sugarcane fibre after the extraction of juice, this bi-product has been treated as waste and is often burned causing unnecessary air pollution. Making products from Sugarcane fibre reduces the waste of this valuable resource, it can be unbleached or bleached Chlorine free.

Sugarcane products are Ultra-Violet Ray Sterilized and allergen free, ideal for food service, catering, and takeaways. Suitable for hot food, liquids, oils and fats, they can be used in the microwave for warming or heating food. They also suit packaging applications like produce display trays and punnets, industrial packaging of electronic goods and medical supplies, etc.

Item dimensions: 17 x 12cm

Pack of 50

NZ$ 15.40 excluding GST
NZ$ 17.71 including GST
Pack 50
FP TKT001 Indiv
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Freight is charged by weight and carton size, indicitive costs per carton are: Auckland $7.50, Whangarei to Hamilton $10.50, North Island $14.00, South Island $16.00 + GST, Rural charges are extra.